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Extractions Specialist

Eastpointe Family Dental Center

General & Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics located in Eastpointe, MI

When your tooth is decayed or broken, or your wisdom teeth are impacted, sometimes the only way to preserve your oral health is through tooth extraction. Dr. Mark Solway and his team at Eastpointe Family Dental Center in Eastpointe, Michigan, provide expert extraction on the premises. If you live in the Eastpointe vicinity and want permanent relief from impacted, decayed, or crowded teeth, book a consultation for tooth extraction with Dr. Solway online or call his friendly staff.

Extractions Q & A

Why do teeth need to be extracted?

You may need to have a tooth extracted if you have a broken tooth that can’t be salvaged with a crown, a tooth that’s too decayed for a root canal, or wisdom teeth that aren’t erupting properly.

Sometimes teeth need to be removed if your mouth is too small to accommodate them, or if you’re being fitted for braces and your teeth need space to move.

Leaving a broken, decayed, or overcrowded tooth in place can cause serious oral and general health problems. An infected tooth can even damage your heart and lead to a life-threatening infection called sepsis.

How do I know if I need a tooth extraction?

If you consult Dr. Solway and his team at the first signs of infection, you may be able to avoid extraction. Decayed teeth that are caught in time can be treated with fillings or crowns. Symptoms of tooth infection and decay include toothaches and foul breath.

Crowded teeth may be remedied with orthodontics, such as Invisalign®. However, if your teeth have no place to move, Dr. Solway may recommend extracting a few teeth in the back so that your other teeth can be properly aligned.

What’s an impacted wisdom tooth?

When your third set of molars (i.e., wisdom teeth) begin to come in at around the age of 20, they may erupt sideways or not be able to break through the gum tissue (impaction). You should see Dr. Solway immediately if you experience any pain or swelling.

Wisdom teeth are vestigial molars that serve no functional purpose. If you don’t have impacted wisdom teeth removed, they could shift your other teeth out of alignment or become infected.

What happens when I get a tooth extracted?

Dr. Solway may perform the surgical extraction himself or call on the expertise of his associates, depending on the complexity of your case. You can choose local anesthesia or nitrous oxide to make the procedure more comfortable.

After your oral surgery, Dr. Solway provides you aftercare instructions, such as using over-the-counter painkillers to control discomfort. You return to Dr. Solway after a few days to be sure your extraction site is healing properly and that you haven’t developed dry socket or any other complications.

If you have a decayed, broken, or impacted tooth, contact Dr. Solway right away. You can call the friendly Eastpointe staff or book a consultation online.

